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Compliments of the Season from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of AOCPIN

On behalf of the members of the Board and staff of Community Peace Initiatives Network, I am pleased to convey seasonal greetings to All Nigerians as we come to the end of 2023 to begin, by the special grace of the Almighty Allah, the year 2024. In the next few hours our Christian brothers and sisters will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We convey our sincere felicitations with them and pray that all of us, irrespective of our faiths, should continue to hang together with one another, in love, hope and joy, as we are definitely better in one spirit of togetherness.

As we match into the year 2024, we pray to the most High, for His continuing protection and guidance of mankind, and for us in Nigeria, to overcome the multitudes of challenges that, as a country and people continue to face us. We need peace in our country, beginning from our communities to enable our country experience the stability needed for developments, and prosperity of our peoples and nation. We also pray for our leaders (Federal, State and Local ) to be properly guided to provide good governance in a just and equitable manner as these constitute core foundations for harmony and unity in our country, for
prosperity to take roots and be the enduring basis for a truly happy year 2024 and beyond.

From all of us at AOCPIN, we wish you all a happy holiday season!

Malam Lawal Garba
Board of Trustees (AOCPIN)